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AMTA 2016 Mid-Year Board of Directors’ Meeting

June 1, 2016 10:19 AM

The AMTA Board of Directors’ 2016 Mid-Year meeting will be held June 24, 2016 through June 26, 2016 at the Maritime Institute & Conference Center next to the Baltimore Washington International (BWI) airport.  Meeting times are approximate; unfortunately, it is impossible to predict exact times for agenda items, especially the mid-day breaks and later agenda items.  The meeting officially begins at 4:00 pm on the 24th and runs until 9:00 pm.  On Saturday the 25th, the meeting begins at 8:00 am and breaks at 12:15 pm.  Following the break and lunch, the meeting resumes between 2:15 and 2:30 pm and concludes at 6:00 pm.  On Sunday the 26th, the meeting begins at 8:30 am and adjourns at 12:00 pm.  All times are approximate.

AMTA Board of Directors’ meetings are open to AMTA members and members of the general public with the exception of when the Board is in “Executive Session” per Robert’s Rules of Order.  If any members are interested in attending the meeting, please RSVP to Dianne Wawrzusin, on or before Thursday, June 16th so that meeting room arrangements can be made.

