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Announcing New AMTA E-course: Music Therapy & Military Populations

September 2, 2014 08:43 AM

"Music Therapy and Military Populations" an AMTA E-course

AMTA is thrilled to announce the launch of a new, self-study e-course with opportunity for MT-BCs to earn approved CMTE credits. The Music Therapy and Military Populations AMTA E-course is based on the official 2014 briefing report Music Therapy and Military Populations: A Status Report and Recommendations on Music Therapy Treatment, Programs, Research, and Practice Policy developed by AMTA for military leadership, military support personnel, federal government officials, representatives of arts and other related organizations, music therapy professionals, and non-profit policy makers in order to inform strategic plans for expanded and prioritized implementation of music therapy programs, research, and practice policy in the military.

This landmark report discusses the profession of music therapy with a focus on both active duty service members and veterans, explores music therapy profession’s rich, enduring contributions to readiness, rehabilitation, recovery, and wellness among America’s military populations, and presents exemplary model programs highlighting the strong foundation of published research and evidence to inform practice.

This new AMTA E-course provides an opportunity for board certified music therapists to earn three approved CMTE credits by reading the briefing paper at their own pace and, on their own schedule, submitting the required CMTE Evaluation to AMTA, CBMT Approved Provider #051.  This e-course is offered to music therapists and music therapy students wishing to learn more about this timely topic and available in the AMTA online store.  Current AMTA members may purchase this e-course at a discounted rate. 

Click here to purchase this e-course in the AMTA online store.

For more information on this and other AMTA e-course opportunities, see:


