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Board of Directors October 2022 Update

October 21, 2022 06:52 PM

October 2022 Updates

*Note: The link to the October 6 board meeting can be found in the Videos section. To register for the upcoming board meeting, use the link found in the October 25 Board Meeting section. *

In order to better inform the music therapy community of events and topics important to music therapists, music therapy students, clients, and other stakeholders, we continue to work to expand how we provide information. We currently use a number of tools, including email blasts, social media posts, and videos. We invite you to visit the following sources for more information:

  • Social Media: AMTA Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. These sources are updated on an ongoing basis, so please check them regularly.
  • AMTA Website: The most recent information can be found under Latest News on the AMTA homepage. A listing of all Latest News posts can be found under News. Latest News is updated on an ongoing basis, so we encourage you to check it regularly.
  • Email Blasts. We continue to use email blasts to deliver specific information, and we believe the challenges surrounding receiving emails have been resolved. However, if you are not receiving emails, please reach out via Contact Us.
  • Community Updates: Community Updates are shared via email and other channels. Updates are also posted on the AMTA website. The September update can be found under AMTA Community Update and an update on our advisors can be found under Leadership Update-AMTA Advisory Groups. You can also find information on the AMTA Community Feedback Deliverables information in a Google Doc.
  • Videos: In August 2022, we began holding public board meetings via Zoom so that community members can more directly access information. If you have not had the opportunity to view the meetings, please see the 2022 Midyear meeting, and the October 6 meeting. You will find the most recent AMTA information, including a financial update, in the October 6 meeting video.
  • Symposium Information: Continuing education at AMTA now has its own website where you can register for the inaugural AMTA Symposium or the AMTAS Passages Symposium. Please visit the website to find additional information.
  • Regional and Student Organizations: In addition to the above, we continue to connect with various stakeholders to answer questions, provide support, and connect about other events impacting the association. We are grateful to all who have and continue to serve. Additionally, we are grateful for the work of the regions and student organizations, and we encourage you to connect with them to stay abreast of topics specific to your region. Regional and student contact info can be found on the AMTA Regions and Student Organizations webpage.
  • October 25 Board of Directors Meeting. The next AMTA Board of Directors Meeting will take place on October 25th, 8:00-9:30 pm ET. As with the past few BOD and Assembly meetings, this meeting will be open and accessible to everyone in the music therapy community. 
  • Please submit the Google RSVP form below by Sunday, October 23, 8 pm ET to receive an attendee Zoom link for this meeting. 
  • Google Form available at 

In addition to the above, we would like to share a few additional pieces of association business:

  • The Workforce Development and Retention Committee has shared the results of their Workforce Retention Survey . Thank you to the committee for the work, and for making the information accessible to our community.
  • Though we are focused on restructuring, AMTA continues to engage with partners on matters important to the music therapy community. In 2022, AMTA has had a presence at two Sound Health events. The association was also represented at a recent NIH Whole Person Health Stakeholder Meeting, and we are working on engaging with NOAH and OUP at upcoming events. We have also been in conversation with the Association of Child Life Professionals about their recent Professional​ Advancement Model Resource Guide and continue our relationship with NCCATA, the National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations.

Thank you for your commitment to the music therapy community as we continue to navigate the process of restructuring our organization. 

With appreciation on behalf of the AMTA Board of Directors,

Lori F. Gooding, AMTA President

October 2022


