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Board of Directors' Meeting Highlights

July 18, 2016 12:18 PM

Highlights of the Mid-Year Meeting of the AMTA Board of Directors

The AMTA Board of Directors had a productive weekend on June 24-26, 2016 in Linthicum, MD for the Mid-Year meeting. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the 1991 Senate Hearing on Aging, first person accounts were presented by participants, including Al Bumanis, Alicia Clair, Andrea Farbman, Bryan Hunter and Ed Kahler. It is because of this landmark hearing and subsequent legislative language in the Older American Act, that music therapy is listed in the federal code. We welcomed our representative from Oxford University Press, Sara McNamara, for a journal update, and thanked her for the continuing productive partnership. The Chair of the Certification Board for Music Therapists, Debra Layman, participated all weekend, continuing the tradition of collaboration between AMTA & CBMT. Draft motions from the 2016 Mid-Year meeting are included at the end of this report.


The 2016-2017 Board participated in an orientation on the history and structure of AMTA. Statistics and facts about U.S. nonprofit organizations were presented. The responsibilities of non-profit boards were reviewed and discussed using the Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards, 3rd Ed (Ingram, 2015). Board members signed a Conflict of Interest Statement and the Whistleblower Policy. The Board reviewed key components of knowledge-based governance, obligations of leadership, IRS requirements, and Roberts Rules of Order.


Further orientation on organizational finances, budgets, and financial responsibilities was provided and an update on FY16 budget outlined. Preliminary FY 2016 income and expenditures reported thus far indicate that the originally projected deficit of ($68,150) will be replaced by a surplus. Treasurer Alicia Clair presented the proposed draft budget for FY 2017 approved by the Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) and subsequently approved by the Board. (see motions below)  The Board updated the Financial Action Plan (FAP) by working in small groups on targeted areas of the plan. For further details about FY 2016, FY 2017, and the FAP, please see the Treasurer’s report in the 2016 Mid-Year Board Book.

Council on Professional Practices & MTR2025

The Research Committee is working on aligning its activities with the aims of MTR2025 and recommended reinstating the Clinician’s Research Grant for 2017. The Standards Committee continues to review and monitor language within the Standards of Clinical Practice document to ensure that it reflects current clinical practice. The Technology Committee continues to provide regional and national opportunities for professional development regarding the clinical use of technology in music therapy. The Government Relations Committee members have participated in 13 state advocacy events (including CMTEs, Hill Days, and/or public hearings) and continue to collaborate with CBMT to implement the state recognition operational plans, with 12 states introducing music therapy specific language in 2016. Finally, the Reimbursement Committee continues to disseminate information regarding reimbursement for music therapy services, and has been addressing issues such as the Affordable Care Act and hosting “Hot Topics” Conferences Calls on Reimbursement.

Council on Education and Clinical Training

The Academic Program Approval Committee (APAC) and the Association Internship Approval Committee (AIAC) are reviewing existing and new programs. There are 5 new academic programs under review. Since conference, AIAC has approved 4 new applications, with 5 in revision, and 7 under review. The AIAC has been charged to develop a multi-year plan for discussion at the annual meeting to address the potential shortage of national roster internship sites.

Master’s Level Entry

The MLE subcommittee chair, Mary Ellen Wiley, joined the BOD via electronic means and provided a status update to the committee’s work. Further presentations by committee members also occurred. The committee is reviewing the survey results and determining areas for further analysis of both the quantitative and qualitative data. Discussions about the consulting work of Pro Bono systems, and the process and potential information that can be obtained also occurred. For further details, please see the MLE report and addendum in the 2016 Mid-Year Board Book.

Council on Association Services

The Board of Directors viewed a draft of Decision Tree work in process by the Professional Advocacy Committee as well as a sample update to the Comparing Music Modalities information. The Board has appointed a work group to address concerns raised by the letter authored by Janelle Junkins titled "Music Therapy Concerns - Kalahari Resort.”  The work group shall include the Executive Committee (President, Past President, President Elect, Treasurer, Speaker of the Assembly, and Executive Director), Vice President Jean Nemeth, Council Coordinator Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, Al Bumanis, and one or both of the Co-Chairs of the Diversity and Multiculturalism Committee.  This work group met on July 12th and a report will follow.

Officer Reports

The AMTA National Office and the Board of Directors are reviewing job/board responsibilities with the intention of being as efficient and strong as possible. A deficit budget was approved again this year; however, thanks to increased membership, a successful conference and the academic maintenance fees, our financial forecast is healthy and it is envisioned that the Board will be able to revise the FY 17 budget so that the deficit is lowered or non-existent.  Legal fees have increased due to the AMTA’s need to protect our right to practice; advocacy costs have also risen due to the number of states involved in the recognition process. The upcoming national conference in Sandusky, OH, promises to deliver what many members have been requesting: numerous networking opportunities and stimulating, cutting-edge practice information. The Leadership Academy is again being offered at national conference and participants will earn 5 CMTEs. Tracks include:  Professional leadership, medical, research, and business owners. Looking ahead, we will be in St. Louis in 2017, Dallas in 2018 and Minneapolis in 2019.

Staff Reports

The Board and staff happily celebrated the 25th anniversary of Al Bumanis’s tenure with AMTA. In addition, staff members updated the Board on their respective areas. Executive Director Andrea Farbman provided information and context throughout the weekend, with special attention to ensuring that the Board had the most up-to-date financial information.  Judy Simpson updated us on state legislative activity and presented the federal activity report for Rebecca Preddie, who was home with her new baby girl. Jane Creagan provided information on professional programs (see her report in the Board book). Angie Elkins shared good news that the membership numbers are slightly higher than this time last year. She also reviewed updates and upcoming improvements and changes to The conference team of Al Bumanis and Cindy Smith provided information on the upcoming conference at the Kalahari Resort as well as conference locations for the next three years. Dianne Wawrzusin took minutes throughout the meeting and ensured that we all had what we needed for our productive time together. Consultant Barb Else was on hand to provide information on a variety of topics, including AMTA’s Wilson Trust Music Therapy Project (see her report in the Board book). The staff and consultants received hearty appreciation from the Board members for their continued dedication to the work of the association and profession. The collective expertise of the team assembled at the National Office is the envy of other organizations.

Board members exercised their duty to contribute to the conversations and decisions, whether or not they were voting members. It was a productive first face-to-face meeting with this group of professionals. It is a privilege to serve our profession and association in this way.


Respectfully submitted,

President Jennifer Geiger, Speaker Angie Snell, Council Coordinator Nicole Hahna, Council Coordinator Ed Kahler, Council Coordinator Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, and Regional President Representative Debbie Benkovitz

N. B. The 2016 Mid-Year Board Book will be posted on the Board of Directors' webpage here.


Board of Directors’ Mid-Year Meeting
June 24 – 26, 2016
Baltimore, Maryland

MOTION: Resolve, to approve the agenda as amended.

Author, Amy Furman.  The motion carried.

MOTION: Resolve, to approve the AMTA Board packet of Minutes and Motions of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee from November 16, 2015 – June 13, 2016. 

Author, Angie Snell.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to approve Bill Davis as the AMTA Archivist.

Author, Jennifer Geiger.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to move into Executive Session.

Author, Amber Weldon-Stephens.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to move into Executive Session.

Author, Amber Weldon-Stephens.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, that the Board charge the Association Internship Approval Committee to develop a multi-year plan for discussion at the annual meeting to address the potential shortage of national roster internship sites.

Author, Jane Creagan.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to approve an amount up to $5,000 for a Clinician’s Research Grant to be awarded in 2017.

Author, Barbara Else.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, that the AMTA Board of Directors appoint a task force to study and make a recommendation to the board regarding the feasibility of restructuring board membership to include one voting representative from each region from the Assembly of Delegates (7 seats in place of the current 4).  Possible models include, but are not limited to, the Regional, Presidents, Regional Past-Presidents, and Regional Presidents-elect. Priority consideration should be given to the Regional Presidents model.

Author, Bryan Hunter.  The motion was defeated.

MOTION:  Resolve, that the AMTA Board of Directors appoint a task force to study and make a recommendation to this board regarding the feasibility of restructuring board membership, to include one voting representative from each region from the Assembly of Delegates.

Author, Jean Nemeth.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to approve the slate of names for the Fultz Fund Review Committee as follows:  Laura Beer, Abbey Dvorak, Anne Lipe, Wendy Magee, Michael Silverman, and Alan Turry.

Author, Jennifer Geiger.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to approve the revised Sunday morning agenda.

Author, Jean Nemeth.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, that the FY2017 revenue =$1,722,500 and expense =$1,789,000 budget be approved.

Author, Alicia Clair.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to add Amber Weldon-Stephens to the Financial Advisory Committee.

Author, Amy Furman. The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, that the Board endorse proceeding with Phase I of the draft implementation plan for AMTA’s research guidance initiative referred to as MTR2025 and as outlined in the 2016 Mid-Year Board Book.

Authors, Nicole Hahna and Barbara Else.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, that the President appoint an oversight work group to oversee implementation and monitoring of Phase I recommendations and report back periodically to the AMTA Board of Directors.

Authors, Nicole Hahna and Barbara Else.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to charge the Research Committee with aligning its current committee activities with the aims of MTR2025.  Committee recommended  updates and edits, as documented in the Council Coordinators’ Handbook, shall be submitted to the Council Coordinators for Board review and endorsement. 

Authors, Nicole Hahna and Barbara Else.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, that the Board of Directors appoint a work group to address the concerns raised by the letter from Janelle Junkin titled “Music Therapy Concerns-Kalahari Resorts – AMTA conference.”  This work group shall consist of the Executive Committee, Jean Nemeth, Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, Al Bumanis, and one or both of the co-chairs of the Diversity and Multiculturalism Committee. 

Author, Annette Whitehead-Pleaux.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, while we may not fully understand the complexities of emotions felt by those affected by the mass murder of the Latinx LGBTQI people at the Pulse Nightclub, we extend our deepest sympathies to all who are affected by this hate crime.  AMTA stands firm in its commitment to fairness, justice, and respect for all people.  In addition, AMTA promotes the power of music as one path to comfort, healing, and peace in the aftermath of this tragedy.

Author, Angie Snell.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to send commendations from the AMTA Board of Directors to all members of the active state task forces for their tireless work on behalf of the profession of music therapy.

Author, Jean Nemeth.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, that the Board of Directors acknowledge and congratulate President Geiger on an exceptional Mid-Year Board meeting.

Author, Angie Snell.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to adjourn the Board of Directors’ meeting at 11:12AM.

Author, Jean Nemeth.  The motion carried.

