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New ASD Resources Now Available

December 17, 2015 01:27 PM

New Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources Now Available on the AMTA Website

Check out the many new Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder resources for both the general public and for members only that have just been posted on the AMTA website. The resources represent the culmination of three years of work by the steering committee and advisory team who completed all assigned tasks from identified focus areas of AMTA's Strategic Priority on Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Spotlighted via a free CMTE and two concurrent sessions at the 2015 Kansas City Conference, all resources and information were met with enthusiasm by large audiences. Products include fact sheets/summaries, annotated bibliographies of journal articles and unpublished dissertations, a brochure for families, prototype presentations for music therapists, educators, and students, online links to research/resources/organizations, survey study summary, evidence-based practices incorporated in music therapy interventions, and an abstract of a new meta-analysis previewed at the 2015 Research Poster Session.

To access these products, click on the following link:

Or click on the "Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum" Link under "Quick Links."


