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2012 AMTA Research Poster Session

February 8, 2012 11:57 AM

2012 AMTA Conference Research Poster Session

Information on 2012 AMTA Conference Research Poster Session, and deadline for CMTE and Concurrent Sessions submissions is rapidly approaching.

Submission for the AMTA National Conference Poster Session is entirely on-line.

Those interested in having their research considered for the Research Poster Session should:

1) Submit a 500-word abstract. Include the following headings:

Background: brief statement describing existing knowledge and study significance
Objective: brief statement of the study purpose/aims
Methods: summary of participants, design, measures, procedures
Results: primary findings
Conclusions: specific statement about how findings can be interpreted and implications for practice

Each submission must include complete information for judging research quality.

2) Submissions must be received as an e-mail attachment using WORD (12 point in Times New Roman or 11 point Arial).

3) In the MAIN BODY OF THE E-MAIL include all of the information necessary for listing in the final program including 1) the title of the paper, 2) names(s) of author(s) 3) institutional affiliation(s) and a complete address.

4) On the abstract INCLUDE ONLY the title. DO NOT include authors’ name or affiliations.

The deadline for submissions is JUNE 29, 2012. Please send submissions to: Debra S. Burns, PhD, MT-BC Chair, AMTA Research Committee If, after 5 days of submission you have not received a confirmation of your abstract being received contact Dr. Burns by email or phone (317) 278-2014.

After a blind review by the committee, each corresponding author will be notified via email of acceptance or rejection of the submission.

Note: The Research Committee is in the process of creating student awards for best poster. Abstracts will be published in the following edition of Music Therapy Perspectives. In order to be considered for this award, please indicate on the abstract if the first author is a student and what level (undergraduate, masters, doctoral).

