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2021 AMTA Election Results

November 10, 2021 06:25 PM

AMTA_LOGO_finalCongratulations to the New AMTA Officers

Dear AMTA Members,

We are pleased to welcome Angie Snell, MSEd, MT-BC as AMTA President-Elect and Jennifer Sokira, MMT, LCAT, MT-BC as AMTA Vice-President Elect.

Please join us in congratulating the newest members of the AMTA Board of Directors who will begin their terms January 2022. Thank you to our candidates and to everyone who participated in AMTA’s 2021 election process.

We acknowledge there has been a delay in announcing these election results and you, the membership, are owed an explanation. During our annual business meeting at the conference, the Board, along with the officer candidates, were charged by the membership to reflect on their abilities to effectively serve the Association. This occasioned a pause for additional reflection, conversation, and a non-profit association consultation with the state of Michigan where our association is incorporated. After these reviews and discussions, the Board then supported the release of the election results. We apologize for this delay. These election results reflect the will of the voters. We appreciate your patience during this election and we look forward to building processes and an association in which all members feel welcome to participate.


The American Music Therapy Association


