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2021 Election: Officer Candidates

June 18, 2021 09:26 AM
AMTA Officer Election 2021

Introducing Candidates for AMTA 2021 Officer Election

Message from AMTA Past President, Amber Weldon-Stephens:

Weldon-StephensAmberHello AMTA Members! It is my honor to bring to you our four AMTA Officer Candidates for the 2021 election which will take place via email ballots in late October. Take a look at each video, get to know and recognize each candidate. Until the election, we will be posting candidate answers to specific questions. Stay tuned each month for greater depth into their passions and purposes for running for office as they answer questions. Please reach out to me if you have any questions regarding our candidates or the election process, Amber Weldon-Stephens, Immediate Past President, Nominating Committee Chair:

Candidate for Vice President Elect - Leslie Henry, MM, MT-BC

"Hi, I’m thrilled to meet you, my name is Leslie Henry and I’m a proud music therapist from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I’ve been a music therapist for several years, many of which I’ve worked clinically, but now work as an Academic Program Director and Assistant Professor of Music Therapy at Alverno College. Part of my professional identity has been grounded in service, serving other music therapists and helping advance the profession. I have served on state and regional boards for music therapy, acted as a conference co-chair, and also now serve as a co-chair to the Professional Advocacy Committee to the American Music Therapy Association. I could not be more thrilled to run for Vice Present Elect of the American Music Therapy Association and hope we have the chance to meet real soon!"

Candidate for Vice President Elect - Jennifer Sokira, MMT, LCAT, MT-BC

"Hello colleagues, my name is Jennifer Sokira and I am honored to be a candidate for vice president elect of AMTA.  I am a white woman with brown curly hair and brown eyes and my zoom frame shows a background of my office here in Monroe, CT, a little bit under construction. Your continuing education is essential to your work and your work changes the lives of your clients every day.  I am hopeful that,  if elected, I can apply my skills and experience as a clinician, business owner and continuing education provider in ways that will bring responsive and innovative ideas, structures and opportunities to our national conferences. I approach this process with a mind open to possibilities and potential for our association as we engage together during this time of growth and change.  With this comes my desire to represent the voices of music therapists, especially those who have been marginalized. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune into this video and feel free to reach out with questions.  I look forward to engaging with you over the next several months."

Candidate for President Elect - Angela M. Snell, MSEd, MT-BC

"Hi, My name is Angie Snell and I am here to introduce myself to you as a candidate for President Elect of the American Music Therapy Association. I am a White, cisgender, heterosexual, able bodied woman living in southeast Michigan. My background is as a school music therapist and educational consultant, with graduate work in organizational leadership. I have a passion for advocacy and have served in leadership roles at all levels inside and outside of our field. Currently, as Speaker of the Assembly, I have unique insight into overlapping and opposing viewpoints, the frustrations that exist, and….the brilliance and potential among us…. the passion for music therapy we all share. The real strength that I bring to the table is in listening to learn, facilitating difficult conversations, and bringing people together. I have heard from many of you in recognizing that this is a critical time for thoughtful transformation that seeks equity. We as a field have the solutions and innovation among us. I look forward to more conversations with you over the coming months. Thank you so much."

Candidate for President Elect - Wendy Woolsey, MA, MT-BC

"My name is Wendy Woolsey my pronouns are she her and I am an able bodied, neurotypical Japanese American raised predominantly in a white culture. I’ve been a music therapist for 26 years and I am an instructor of music therapy and the music therapy clinical coordinator at Seattle Pacific University. I’ve served locally on the state recognition task force, the board of directors for both the Washington State and Western Region Associations for Music Therapy. A past chair of The Certification Board for Music Therapists, I currently serve as AMTA Vice President. The last couple of years, I have really been exploring my identity as a biracial individual, and how cultural messaging and generational trauma have affected and informed my identity. Self-awareness is an ongoing process and will continue to be significant as it effects my actions as an individual, a professional, and a leader. I have hope in the future of music therapy both for our clients and access to music therapy as a career. And, I have hope in a reimagined organization. One that values and provides value for everyone."

