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AMTA Non-discrimination And Equal Opportunity Policy

May 6, 2016 12:52 PM

American Music Therapy Association Publishes Non-discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy

At the 2015 Mid-Year meeting, the AMTA Board of Directors charged President Amy Furman and a work group to develop an association-wide nondiscrimination policy and implementation plan.  Although AMTA has had a Code of Ethics, a Scope of Practice, and a Standards of Clinical Practice, there was not a non-discrimination and equal opportunity policy in place.  The work group reviewed best practices and policies from the following associations:  National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), American Psychological Association (APA), National Association for Social Work (NASW), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), American Bar Association (ABA), and various universities.

AMTA thanks the work group members for their input and hard work on this endeavor:  Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, Kamile Geist, Jennifer Geiger, Karen Miller, Beth York, and student representative, Alexandra Wilson.

President Furman presented the AMTA Non-discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy as drafted by the work group to the AMTA Assembly of Delegates on November 12, 2015.  The policy was approved by the Assembly demonstrating the commitment AMTA and its programs have to nondiscrimination and the promotion of equal opportunity. 

The policy can be found on the AMTA website under Member Resources>Official Documents>AMTA Non-discrimination Policy or at the following url:

