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Call to Action: Respond by Feb. 20, 2017

February 17, 2017 12:57 PM


Deadline Monday, February 20, 2017

Inclusion of Music Therapy in Proposed Pain Management Standards—
Feedback Needed!

Opportunity to Participate in a Joint Commission Standards Field Review

The Joint Commission is currently seeking feedback on proposed requirements related to Pain Assessment and Management for Hospitals. The proposed revisions have been designed to promote patient safety and quality of care and to align accreditation requirements with current recommendations from scientific, professional, and governmental organizations.

AMTA is pleased that these proposed requirements include music therapy as a nonpharmacologic pain treatment modality. We are asking for your assistance in thanking the Joint Commission for listing music therapy within these proposed Hospital Standards and recommending that this language be retained in the final standards.

The specific language is listed under:

Leadership (LD) Chapter
Elements of Performance for LD.04.05.17
Page 2, lines 35 and 36:

The hospital promotes access to nonpharmacologic pain treatment modalities (this may include alternative modalities, such as, chiropractic, relaxation therapy, music therapy)

To review the proposed standards, please visit:

To submit a comment, please use the following online form:

Sample Comment

Thank you for including music therapy as a nonpharmacologic pain treatment modality within these proposed standards under the Leadership (LD) Chapter, Elements of Performance for LD.04.05.17, page 2, lines 35 and 36. I am recommending that this reference to music therapy be included in the final standards.

If desired, feel free to add one or two sentences about the benefits of music therapy for pain management.

Deadline for Comments: Monday, February 20, 2017


