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Candidates for AMTA Offices Sought

May 22, 2012 12:23 PM

The AMTA Nominating Committee, chaired by Immediate Past President Ronna Kaplan, is now considering names of potential candidates to be placed on the slate for the offices of AMTA President Elect and Vice President Elect.  The slate will be presented at the AMTA Business meeting in October 2012 and then the election will be held in late 2013.  Officers elected by the professional membership will begin serving in January 2014. The commitment to serve on the AMTA Board of Directors for Vice President Elect is two years in the "elect" position and two years as Vice President, while the commitment for President Elect is two years in the "elect" position, two years as President, and two years as Immediate Past President.  Please see the AMTA Bylaws  for details regarding each position and the responsibilities it entails.

If you are interested in placing someone's name into consideration for one of these offices, please seek that person's permission and then notify Ronna Kaplan (  Individuals may also notify Ronna of their own interest in being considered for the slate.    Please note that placing someone's name into consideration does not guarantee he or she will be selected to be on the Nominating Committee's slate.  The deadline for receipt of names is May 30, 2012.

Serving on the AMTA board is indeed an honor and a privilege, in addition to much time, effort, and responsibility.  Those individuals who are elected must possess many qualities, including the ability to mentor and be mentored.  Other leadership and board experience is quite helpful. We appreciate your interest and serious consideration of these commitments.

