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Clinical Training Facilities Preface & User Guide

Clinical Training Policy of the American Music Therapy Association

The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) approves clinical training programs for students engaged in baccalaureate music therapy degree programs at AMTA-approved universities and colleges. To be eligible for approval to be listed on the National Roster, a facility must have a recognized music therapy department. The director of the training program must be: a Board Certified Music Therapist; a Professional member of the American Music Therapy Association; a full time staff member of the facility (must have accumulated one year full time experience at facility); and as of 11/17/94 the director must have three years experience beyond the internship in direct music therapy service, and have completed one 5 hour CMTE workshop on Music Therapy Intern Supervision or other documented supervision training.

AMTA guidelines specify that the clinical internship must be of six months duration, or any greater length of time necessary to complete 1040 hours of uninterrupted training. The internship follows the completion of all academic course work, and generally precedes the granting of the baccalaureate degree. All clinical training policies are expressed in the document Guidelines for Establishing and Maintaining Music Therapy Clinical Training Programs, (Appendix A).

Purpose of the Roster

The AMTA National Roster of Internship Programs, is an official listing of the internship programs which have been approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA).

The facilities and internship directors listed in this document have met criteria for approval under the AMTA National Roster Internship Guidelines per the new Standards for Education and Clinical Training. These internship programs have gone through a separate approval process with AMTA, which is different from internship programs approved directly through AMTA-approved academic institutions. Internship programs listed on the AMTA National Roster are open to students from all AMTA-approved degree programs.

The Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) requires potential certificants to have successfully completed the clinical internship in order to be eligible to sit for the board certification exam, which is administered by CBMT.

The AMTA National Roster of Internship Programs is a compilation of currently AMTA-approved clinical training facilities, provides basic information, requirements, and special opportunities of the approved sites. Prospective interns will find this information invaluable as they search for internship to meet their needs.

Individual entries are current as of the publication of this document. Because of the dynamic nature of the profession, please remember that there are bound to be changes. AMTA has endeavored to provide up to date data at the time of publication.

This page will enable the user to locate internship sites alphabetically by state and name. We realize this is a very large file. If you are looking for a particular site, try using the 'find' function of your browser software. Detailed information pertaining to each internship site is organized under the headings listed below.

Clients Served

This is a description of population types, facility types, and age ranges of clients. All internship sites list a population, setting, and client age ranges. Because many sites serve more than one population, there will be multiple populations listed. The same is true for settings. An example of how the population, setting, and age ranges appear in the handbook follows:

Setting(s): Physical Rehabilitation

Population(s): Physically disabled, Elderly persons, Speech impaired

Age range: Young-old adult

The age ranges are defined as follows:

  • Infant: 0-2
  • Child: 3-11
  • Adolescent: 12-19
  • Young adult: 20-29
  • Adult: 30-49
  • Mature adult: 50-64
  • Old adult: 65 and older
Facility Characteristics

Includes information such as description of the facility, location, detailed client description, and additional services offered (i.e., Physical Therapy, Art Therapy, Occupational Therapy, etc.).


A detailed outline of how the training will proceed, including entry level skill requirements, special projects, etc.


Lists starting months of internship, whether or not housing and meals are provided, and whether or not a stipend is offered. NOTE: If a stipend amount is given, that represents the TOTAL amount of money given to the intern for the entire internship.

Clinical Training Director

Refers to the music therapist who is in charge of the internship program, which has been approved by the Clinical Training Committee of the American Music Therapy Association. Also listed is the facility address and phone number.