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Dr. Daniel Levitin: "Music & Your Health"
June 16, 2014 01:23 PM
Dr. Daniel Levitin was featured in the June 9, 2014 interview hosted by the American Psychological Association’s Speaking of Psychology podcast interview series. Episode 11 of the podcast series titled, “Music and your health” is online now.
Neuropsychologist Daniel Levitin, PhD, studies the neuroscience of music and how music affects our mental and physical health. Levitin is a professor of psychology, behavioral neuroscience and music at McGill University in Montreal. In this interview, Dr. Levitin highlights the important distinction between music intervention and music-based interventions and music therapy.
Levitin noted, “I've tended to use the word music intervention as a term more broadly to talk about musical interactions that aren't necessarily music therapy. Just to clarify, music therapy is the evidence-based use of music in clinical situations that help people reach desired health outcomes. And it’s normally practiced” by a person with special training and credentialing.
Dr. Levitin clarifies for the listening audience the definition of music therapy citing the American Music Therapy Association. To hear more: