Editor-in-Chief for JMT Announced
September 4, 2018 12:23 PM
Journal of Music Therapy: New Editor-in-Chief Announced

Dr. Blythe LaGasse Appointed Incoming Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Music Therapy
The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Blythe LaGasse as the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Music Therapy (JMT). She will assume her duties as Editor-in-Chief when the next term begins in January. Dr. LaGasse brings significant experience to the position, having served on the editorial boards of both JMT and Music Therapy Perspectives and as a guest editor.
Dr. LaGasse is Associate Professor at Colorado State University where she coordinates the music therapy program and the Online Master’s Program. In addition to her achievements in teaching excellence, Blythe has a growing and respected portfolio of research. Dr. LaGasse is looking forward to working with the team of Associate Editors and the editorial board to continue the momentum of JMT as a respected and premiere journal contributing to the advancement of knowledge in music therapy. Blythe expressed her gratitude for the legacy of leadership and guidance by the journal’s previous Editors, including the current Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Sheri Robb. Furthermore, Dr. LaGasse expressed her excitement to work in collaboration with AMTA’s publishing partner, Oxford University Press, and with the incoming Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Laura Beer, at AMTA’s sister journal, Music Therapy Perspectives.
Please join AMTA in congratulating Blythe on her appointment. Music therapists and students attending the 2018 Annual Conference in Dallas are invited to meet and greet Dr. LaGasse during the conference in the Exhibit Hall at the Oxford University Press booth and in the AMTA Village at the Grand Opening Spectacular. We encourage you to follow the journal, sign up for complimentary electronic Table of Content alerts via email, and follow the journal online through the social media hashtags #mtresearch and #AMTA_JMT.