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EIC Positions Sought

March 31, 2017 10:00 AM


Update 4/28/17: As a reminder, AMTA is receiving applications for the positions of Editor-in-Chief for its two journals, JMT and MTP. The application period will extend through Friday, May 26 5:00pm ET to allow interested parties at academic institutions extra time around the busy end of semester. Also, in response to inquiries, co-editors would be considered by the search committee and entertained as a possible option, as has been done in the past for one of AMTA's journals. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the Co-Chairs of the Editor-in-Chief Selection Committee, Drs. Mary Adamek ( and Michele Forinash (, with questions. Letters and resume/CV may be sent to AMTA.


Editors-in-Chief Positions

Journal of Music Therapy

Music Therapy Perspectives

The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) invites applicants for two positions as Editors-in-Chief for AMTA’s journals, the Journal of Music Therapy (JMT) and Music Therapy Perspectives (MTP).

The terms of service for the current Editors-in-Chief conclude in December 2018. The Board of Directors of AMTA seeks qualified applicants to assume these roles in December 2018 and preceded by an extended period of orientation in 2018 in cooperation with the current Editors-in-Chief, their Associate Editors, and AMTA’s publishing partner, Oxford University Press.

The Editors-in-Chief (EICs) of each journal are responsible, overall, for the journal’s content and its publication. The EIC of each journal leads and formulates a strategic vision for their journal and is responsible for overseeing the direction of the journal and interacting with colleagues.

The EICs serve as the principal architect of the content of the JMT and MTP. The EIC is an active professional and highly-experienced music therapist, scholar, and scientist. Working with each journal’s team of Associate Editors and Editorial Board, the EIC is the arbiter of the content of the journal. Above all, the EICs serve as ambassadors of the journals, AMTA, and the profession. As such they must possess excellent organization and communication skills. Among other functions, each EIC is responsible for:

  • Advancing and supporting the missions of AMTA and the journal
  • Maintaining an Editorial Board
  • Overseeing work of the journal’s Associate Editor team
  • Overseeing the on-time publication of journal issues (2/yr for MTP and 4/yr for JMT)
  • Overseeing the manuscript review process and interfacing with ScholarOne for online manuscript submission and peer review
  • Corresponding with authors
  • Communicating with reviewers and publishing contacts
  • Planning and publishing periodic special focus issues
  • Monitoring index listings for the journal
  • Business administration and consulting
  • Reporting to the Board of Directors of AMTA

Detailed position descriptions, job duties, and qualifications for each position are provided via the following links:

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the Co-Chairs of the Editor-in-Chief Selection Committee, Drs. Mary Adamek ( and Michele Forinash (, with questions.

Please email a cover letter and resume or CV to:

Dianne Wawrzusin, Administrative Services Coordinator

EIC Search Committee or

Submissions are invited immediately and must be received no later than 5:00 PM ET on Friday, May 26, 2017.


