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September 2012
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Last Day to Register Before 2012 Conference Rates Increase

All Day Event


Register by this day to still save at the AMTA conference. Click the Attend a Conference button (or go to the conference page) to register online or to print out and mail a registration form. Make sure your payment is made online or postmarked by 9/19/12 for the Regular Conference Registration rates.

The music therapy event of the year will focus on the winds of change, new directions, innovations and new answers for both professionals and students engaged in music therapy. Explore science and song. Discover research, rhythm, and blues you can use. Share strength in numbers, in harmony and in humor. Learn advocacy and business savvy. Expand your therapy skills. Grow and be inspired by legends with a FREE Institute devoted to the legacy of Clive Robbins. Intensive learning experiences are featured in Pre-conference Institutes on Multiculturalism, Business and Hospice. Training in NMT, GIM, Music Therapy Drumming and NICU will be offered, plus you will reap the benefits of over 200 educational sessions giving attendees new tools, best practices, practical information and a fresh approach to music therapy practice and research. Let the wind take you to the hottest topics, trends and compelling educational sessions. The 2012 conference will offer outstanding networking opportunities for you to meet and connect with the best and brightest. You will delight in sharing music with 1,500 fellow music therapists!
Register by this day to still save at the AMTA conference.  Click the Attend a Conference button (or go to the conference page) to register online or to print out and mail a registration form.  Make sure your payment is made online or postmarked by 9/19/12 for the Regular Conference Registration rates.

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