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Monday, March 21, 2022 - Sunday, March 27, 2022

The COVID-19 Song Cycle: Marking the Two Year Anniversary Through Song

08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

March 2022 marks the end of the second year for the COVID-19 pandemic and the COVID-19 Task Force invites you to mark the anniversary through song. Each day, AMTA will post invite song submissions which playlist for exploration. Joining us as we commemorate the COVID-19 pandemic two year anniversary.


The COVID-19 Song Cycle: Marking the Two Year Anniversary Through Song

March 2022 marks the end of the second year for the COVID-19 pandemic. Progress has been made through vaccinations and mitigation strategies, though regions of the world continue to struggle with high numbers of infections and loss of life. We also acknowledge the invasion of Ukraine and the suffering and devastation this has caused in the midst of a pandemic.

Through these global experiences, there continues to be uncertainty and emotional upheaval. We have collectively experienced a range of fluctuating emotions throughout this time. As a means to express and process these feelings and experiences, the AMTA COVID-19 Task Force invites you to participate in the creation of a community song cycle.

Song cycles are designed to use songs to move through a range of emotions (Dileo & Magill, 2005). For each of seven days, we ask you to consider the suggested emotional state and choose a song that captures the feeling for you.

The emotions we invite you to consider are:
  • Monday 3/21               Anger or Angst
  • Tuesday 3/22              Grief
  • Wednesday 3/23       Comfort
  • Thursday 3/24           Strength
  • Friday 3/25                  Love
  • Saturday 3/26             Peace
  • Sunday 3/27                Hope

Each day, AMTA will post on social media and invite you to submit your song title with artist name(s) and YouTube link, as available, in the comments. These songs will be curated into a playlist on the AMTA YouTube channel for your exploration around month end. Thank you for joining us as we commemorate the COVID-19 pandemic two year anniversary.


Dileo, C., & Magill, L. (2005). Songwriting with oncology and hospice adult patients from a multicultural perspective. In T. Wigram & F. Baker (Eds.). Songwriting: Methods, techniques, and clinical applications for music therapy clinicians, educators and students (pp. 226-245). Jessica Kingsley.

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