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Message from the Board of Directors Regarding MLE

July 17, 2018 10:15 AM

A Message from the Board of Directors Regarding the MLE Report

Thank you to members and music therapists for your comments and thoughts. At the Mid-Year meeting in June, the agenda included the review of the MLE Subcommittee recommendations to the AMTA Board of Directors. Upon careful examination of all the materials publicly available, the analysis of feedback post-spring regional conferences (resulting in 30 pages of comments), and a document regarding State Recognition, the Board realized that between the inconclusive evidence, fiduciary concerns, and lack of consensus by the MLE Subcommittee, it would be irresponsible to support the recommendation at this time. In accordance with the Bylaws and following parliamentary procedure, the Board voted unanimously to not accept the MLE Subcommittee’s recommendation for a move to MLE by 2030, leaving no policy changes to forward to the Assembly.

The MLE Subcommittee was formed by the Board of Directors and charged with exploring a proposed move to masters level entry into the profession of music therapy, thus the recommendation was sent to the Board and it was the purview of the Board to determine what to do with the recommendation.

The Assembly is represented on the Board of Directors with four of nine voting members of the Board. The Assembly is the policy making body of AMTA, yet there is not a policy change to be considered.

Please stay turned for more information; the Board has read and considered each and every communication that has been received through multiple venues and is preparing a document that answers specific questions and concerns. This will be made public soon.

Updates concerning the Commission on Education and Clinical Training for 21st Century Music Therapists will be posted once they are available on


