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Music Playlists Now Added to Advance Care Planning

May 3, 2018 01:51 PM


After two years of planning and negotiations, there is now a new Advance Music Planning playlist questionnaire that has been accepted by the Wisconsin Medical Society's (WMS) Honoring Choices Wisconsin (HCW) program for use by Advance Care Planning facilitators in drawing up Advance Directives (AD). Its purpose is to allow individuals to state song preferences prior to an occurrence that may result in cognitive decline such as TBI, CVA or dementia. The item was first distributed as an option in November 2017 with plans to have it added later as a standard AD question.

The playlist question and its rationale were written by Dr. Dale Taylor, edited and approved by the WMS who named it “Advance Music Planning,” approved by the AMTA Music Therapy Informed Music Listening Work Group, AMTA President Geiger, HCW leadership, the Wisconsin Chapter for Music Therapy, and Music & MemorySM CEO Dan Cohen.

You may access the playlist questionnaire and rationale by going to and selecting “Advance music planning.” This is a fillable form using Adobe Acrobat Reader and can be printed after selections are entered.  Music therapists working in medical settings, especially hospice and long term care, are encouraged to access this resource and begin negotiating with medical societies and Honoring Choices programs to get it accepted for addition to Advance Care Planning protocols in your own states.

For more information, see AMTA's Guidance for Music Listening Programs.


