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Music Therapy at the Mayo Clinic
October 9, 2015 10:11 AM
AMTA Spokesperson, Robin Spielberg, Promotes Music Therapy at the Mayo Clinic
AMTA’s artist spokesperson, Robin Spielberg, presented “Music & Wellness” as part of the Mayo Clinic Healthcare System Arts and Medicine program on October 1, 2015. Robin performed a variety of her compositions and spoke eloquently about music and music therapy. Acknowledging the power of music, she provided examples of clinical music therapy based on her personal experiences with her infant daughter intertwined with performing.
Robin noted the attentive audience reflected a trend she regularly sees now, audience members with a personal connection--in this case the mother of a board certified music therapist. AMTA President, Amy Furman, also represented AMTA and enjoyed Robin’s lovely music and seeing both patients and staff smile and nod their thanks, and give "thumbs up" when Robin took time after the presentation to perform for patients who were unable to leave their unit. AMTA is fortunate to have Robin Spielberg’s long-standing and ongoing support and positive acknowledgement of the power of music therapy.