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Music Therapy Documentary Forthcoming

June 3, 2014 05:18 PM


AMTA-member, Tom Sweitzer, is working with an award-winning documentary team, Director Susan Koch and Producer Wendy Thompson-Marquez, who are in the midst of telling a music therapy story of which we can all be proud. AMTA officials met with Tom, Susan, and Wendy, and are impressed with their grasp of music therapy and their passion for telling the story. Here is the information about their film, High Notes, and their Kickstarter campaign to raise the funds to complete this amazing project. Your support is appreciated!

Summary of Film

High Notes is a film about the power of music to heal and transform lives, often in miraculous ways. It’s a film about hope and the human spirit. It features some of the most courageous and inspiring young people you’ll ever meet – and a remarkable music therapist named Tom Sweitzer, who found meaning in his own life through music.

Kickstarter Campaign


