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Music Therapy Licensure Legislation Signed into Law

History was made this spring as two states successfully enacted music therapy licensure legislation for the first time.  On April 26, 2011, Governor Dalrymple of North Dakota signed into law SB 2271. This legislation creates the first-ever music therapy license in the country through the newly-created Board of Integrative Health. Following close behind in the state recognition process was Nevada.  On Friday, June 3, 2011, Governor Brian Sandoval of Nevada signed into law SB 190. This legislation creates a music therapy license in Nevada through the State Board of Health. 

Music therapists from North Dakota and Nevada have been actively involved in the implementation of the AMTA and CBMT State Recognition Operational Plan.  The focus in these states will now move from the legislative process to the creation of regulations.  AMTA Government Relations staff and CBMT Regulatory Affairs staff will continue to provide guidance and assistance as each state implements these new licenses.  Many thanks to the members of the North Dakota Task Force (Andrew Knight, Natasha Thomas, and Emily Wangen), the members of the Nevada Task Force (Judith Pinkerton, Manal Toppozada, and Diane Bell) and to the Government Relations representative for the Western Region of AMTA (Rachel Firchau) for their work, dedication, and advocacy.

