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New AMTA Board and Committee Chairs Confirmed

February 7, 2012 11:49 AM

We are pleased to announce the appointment of several members to the AMTA Board of Directors:

  • Alicia Clair (Secretary/Treasurer)
  • Bryan Hunter (Parliamentarian & Historian)
  • Piper Laird-Riehle (Regional President Representative)
  • Christine Neugebauer (Council Coordinator of Education and Clinical Training)
  • Blythe LaGasse (Council Coordinator of Professional Practices)
  • Andrew Knight (Council Coordinator of Association Services)

Additionally, Angie Snell joined the Board in January as one of the four Assembly Representatives to the Board of Directors.

The other three Assembly Representatives were selected at the annual conference last November.

Standing Committee Chair or Co-Chair Appointments:

Committee Chairs - Council on Education and Clinical Training
Academic Program Approval Committee - Cathy McKinney & Karen Miller
Association Internship Approval Committee - Mary Jane Landaker
Continuing Education Committee - Vicki Vega & Elizabeth Swanson
Committee Chairs - Council on Professional Practices
Government Relations Committee - Judy Simpson & Rebecca Smith
Reimbursement Committee - Judy Simpson & Rebecca Smith
Research Committee - Debra Burns
Standards of Clinical Practice Committee – Annette Whitehead-Pleaux
Technology Committee - Andrea Dalton
Committee Chairs - Council on Association Services
Affiliate Relations Committee - Maureen Hearns
Workforce Development and Retention Committee (previously known as Employment and Public Relations) - Cindy Ropp
International Relations Committee - Florence (Flossie) Ierardi
Membership Committee - Virginia (Ginny) Driscoll & Angie Elkins
Professional Advocacy Committee - Cheryl Stephenson
Special Target Populations Committee - Lee Anna Rasar


We are fortunate to have so many experienced and capable people to serve as leaders within AMTA.

