NEW BOOK ALERT: Third Edition of Music in Special Education
March 13, 2018 11:01 AM
It’s Here - Our Newest Publication!
AMTA is excited to present the updated, third edition of Music in Special Education. Special thanks to editors, Drs. Mary Adamek and Alice-Ann Darrow.
This updated edition of Music in Special Education explains important concepts in special education that are crucial for interdisciplinary communication and effective teamwork. Part I introduces the reader to the historical and instructional foundations of music in special education...Part II introduces the characteristics of specific disabilities, the educational implications of these disabilities, appropriate instructional adaptations, as well as music education and music therapy approaches used with students who have these disabilities. Part III addresses the roles music educators and music therapists play in family and community lives of students with disabilities.
Music in Special Education (third edition) is an essential text to prepare effective future music educators and music therapists working in special education!
Introductory price $60
with a discounted price of $45 for current AMTA members!

(Introductory price good for all orders placed through 12/31/18)