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Results: 31 Article(s) Found.
Nov 21, 2024 03:00 AM
The Renée Fleming Foundation in partnership with the NeuroArts Blueprint Initiative is offering year two of the Renée Fleming Neuroarts Investigator Awards. The Awards support innovative and collaborative research by early career researchers, designed to expand the evidence base of the emerging field of neuroarts and further the mission of the Neuroarts Blueprint Initiative.
Mar 23, 2022 04:00 PM
Congratulations to the 2022 Clinician-Based Grant Awardee, Zachary Fischer, PhD, MT-BC for “The Effect of Group Music Therapy Advocacy Recording (MTAR) on Internalized Stigma in Adult Psychiatric Inpatients in Acute Care.”
Jan 27, 2022 05:29 PM
Applications for this year's Research Fund Award must be submitted electronically to and received by June 3, 2022 5:00 p.m., EST.
Jan 19, 2022 12:01 AM
AMTA Update Regarding Journal of Music Therapy Publication Ethics Review
Oct 11, 2021 05:20 PM
AMTA is pleased to announce the 2021 Arthur Flagler Fultz Award recipient Eugenia Hernandez-Ruiz PhD, MT-BC for the proposal: “Feasibility of Virtual Parent Coaching of Music Interventions for Young Autistic Children”
Feb 17, 2021 07:15 PM
The purpose of the Arthur Flagler Fultz Research Fund is to encourage, promote, and fund music therapy research and/or to conduct research on new and innovative music therapy treatments.
Feb 07, 2021 02:56 PM
AMTA’s two peer reviewed journals – the Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives are transitioning communications to you, the members of AMTA, to offer a choice as to how you wish to access the journals when you join AMTA or renew your membership. We’re going green!
Oct 09, 2020 04:40 PM
The "Journal of Music Therapy" and "Music Therapy Perspectives" announce two calls for papers. Each journal is hosting Guest Co-Editors for a special focus examining topics in social justice and equity with music therapy research, practice and education. It is anticipated that accepted peer reviewed manuscripts will be published in each journal in 2021. Details on the call for papers from each journal are noted below.
Sep 24, 2019 07:34 PM
AMTA congratulates investigator teams receiving research awards in response to the Sound Health funding opportunity. Special congratulations go to music therapist, Dr. Sheri Robb, and her team at Indiana University for their award examining dose-response and effects of an Active Music Engagement intervention on biomarkers among young oncology patients and their parents.

Oct 30, 2018 04:00 PM
AMTA is pleased to announce two appointments to the position of Associate Editor with Music Therapy Perspectives (MTP). Ronna Kaplan and Melody Schwantes join the editorial team of MTP to support the peer review process.
Oct 15, 2018 04:03 PM
Congratulations 2018 Arthur Flagler Fultz Award Winner - Kimberly Sena Moore PhD, MT-BC

Sep 12, 2018 04:00 PM
Drs. Stine Lindahl Jacobsen and Olivia S. Yinger Appointed as Associate Editors for the Journal of Music Therapy.
Sep 07, 2018 03:32 PM
Last year, AMTA began partnership with NIH & Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, facilitated by artist spokesperson, Renée Fleming. An NIH workshop that brought together neuroscientists, music therapists, & supporters of both biomedical research & the arts & a two-day event at the Kennedy Center were held. NIH is now releasing 3 related funding announcements soliciting applications on Music and Health.
Sep 04, 2018 04:23 PM
AMTA is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Blythe LaGasse as the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Music Therapy (JMT). She will assume her duties as Editor-in-Chief when the next term begins in January.
Mar 26, 2018 07:34 PM
AMTA participated with colleagues in a research workshop on "Music & the Brain" in early 2017 hosted by the National Institutes of Health. A brief summary of the proceedings is now available and published in the journal, Neuron. AMTA extends its gratitude to our esteemed colleagues who contributed to this important event.
Nov 01, 2017 02:46 PM
AMTA is excited to announce the appointment of Dr. Laura Beer as the incoming Editor-in-Chief of Music Therapy Perspectives (MTP). She will assume her duties as Editor-in-Chief when the next term begins on January 1, 2019.
Oct 06, 2017 02:39 PM
An NIH research grant was awarded to music therapist, Dr. Joke Bradt, and her team to investigate underlying mechanisms of music therapy to palliate pain in advanced cancer patients.
Aug 28, 2017 08:00 PM
The August, 2017 study published in JAMA by Bieleninik et al., regarding the effects of an improvisational approach to music therapy for young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the subject of considerable attention in the popular press and among the community of Board Certified Music Therapists, parents of children with ASD, other consumers with ASD, and interested stakeholders in the United States.
Mar 16, 2017 04:08 PM
Sheri Robb and Amanda Henley discuss research and clinical practice implications of pilot study findings and details about the continuation of this study with research funded by a $1.4 million National Institutes of Nursing Research grant. This latest research project studies the effect of play interventions, such as active music engagement and storybook programs, on health outcomes in young children ages 3 to 8 undergoing chemotherapy treatment and their parents.
Feb 21, 2017 07:14 PM
Research on the use of music therapy for post-operative pain management conducted by Kirsten Nelson, MA, MT-BC, Mary Adamek, PhD, MT-BC and Charmaine Kleiber, PhD, RN, FAAN is available in the latest edition of Pain Management Nursing. The American Music Therapy Association provided funding for this project through the 2012 Clinician Based Research Award.
Jan 30, 2017 06:29 PM
The American Music Therapy Association is excited to announce the launch of newly-created social media channels created to share advances in music therapy research and clinical practice.
Apr 29, 2016 02:05 PM
The American Music Therapy Association welcomes three new Associate Editors to AMTA’s journals. Two newly created Associate Editor positions will focus on communications and dissemination of journal content, including outreach to both internal and external audiences for the many excellent articles published in the journals. Congratulations to the new Associate Editors joining the AMTA journals team.​
Feb 25, 2016 10:18 PM
Please read on for important information if you are having trouble accessing your member portal to the "Journal of Music Therapy" and "Music Therapy Perspectives." If you are one of those having trouble with the typical access procedure under Quick Links, temporary access credentials can be found in the member toolkit.

Feb 02, 2016 08:39 PM
AMTA's "Journal of Music Therapy" (JMT) currently is featuring an issue on arts based research. Guest Editor, Dr. Jane Edwards coordinated the special issue and is highlighted in an interview published by the Oxford University Press blog site.
Nov 13, 2015 05:29 PM
The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) releases proceedings from the historic and innovative research symposium, “IMPROVING ACCESS AND QUALITY: MUSIC THERAPY RESEARCH 2025” (MTR2025). This visionary special event was designed to recommend guidance for future research in music therapy and was made possible by a generous donation from David’s Fund and Tom and Lucy Ott.
Aug 21, 2015 04:50 PM
Board certified music therapists affiliated with University Hospitals Case Medical Center along with colleagues at Case Western Reserve University and Geisinger Health System published a study in the current issue of "Journal of Clinical Oncology" examining the use of a music therapist-facilitated perioperative protocol on outcomes among oncology patients undergoing ambulatory breast surgery.
Jul 18, 2015 04:21 PM
On July 16, 2015, nearly 60 music therapists and half a dozen guests from partner-organizations gathered to discuss guidance for research in music therapy. This innovative and interesting research symposium, “IMPROVING ACCESS AND QUALITY: MUSIC THERAPY RESEARCH 2025,” included an array of topics designed to stimulate conversation and input to offer recommendations and guidance for future research to advance the profession of music therapy forward.
Music Therapy Matters Masthead
Jul 16, 2015 02:56 PM
Music Therapy Matters, Volume 18, Number 2 is now available for current AMTA members at​
Jul 15, 2015 05:36 PM
The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) presents an historic and innovative research symposium, “Improving Access and Quality: Music Therapy Research 2025” (MTR 2025), beginning the evening of July 16, 2015 and ending at noon on July 18. This visionary special event is designed to recommend guidance for future research in music therapy and was made possible by a generous donation from David’s Fund and Tom and Lucy Ott.

Jun 24, 2015 03:31 PM
AMTA is proud to announce the increased impact factor for the Journal of Music Therapy. The 2014 Impact Factor number is 1.185!
Jul 15, 2013 01:50 PM
AMTA and Oxford University Press Form Historic Partnership to Publish Music Therapy Journals
Results: 31 Article(s) Found.