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Executive Director Search Update, March 2018

March 9, 2018 02:46 PM

March 2018 – Executive Director Search Update

The process of the AMTA Executive Director Search is underway. Raffa, Inc. has been secured as our search firm, with Karen Schuler as our contact. She will be working directly with Past President Jennifer Geiger, Chair of the Search Committee. Members of the Search Committee include: Amber Weldon-Stephens, Deb Benkovitz Williams, Angie Snell, Michael Silverman, Alicia Clair and Ed Kahler.

Additionally, the Board of Directors has approved guidelines for a Stakeholder Committee to be comprised of member representatives. The Stakeholder Committee will work together to contribute to a membership survey regarding the desired characteristics of a new Executive Director as well as other tasks outlined by the executive search firm Raffa, Inc. The Stakeholder Committee will be chaired by Past President, Amy Furman.  The Board-approved guidelines for the Stakeholder Committee are as follows:

Guidelines for the Stakeholder Committee

All members of the committee will be members of AMTA 

  1. The Board of Directors appoints the Stakeholder Committee Chair. Ideally, this person should have experience working with the membership in leadership roles and have served on the Board of Directors.  (Approved Amy Furman, 2/18)
  2. The Vice President-Elect will serve on the Stakeholder Committee. (Wendy Woolsey)
  3. The Speaker of the Assembly will appoint one of the 4 Assembly Alternates to be approved by the Board of Directors to serve on the Stakeholder Committee.
  4. Each of the 7 regions will nominate one regional representative (in whatever manner they choose) for the Board of Directors to appoint to the Stakeholder Committee.
  5. American Music Therapy Association for Students (AMTAS) will nominate one undergraduate and one graduate student for the Board of Directors to appoint to the Stakeholder Committee.
  6. The President will appoint one member representing diversity and/or multiculturalism for the Board of Directors to approve for the Stakeholder Committee.
  7. A non-music therapist will be appointed by the Board of Directors to serve, ex-officio, on the Stakeholder Committee in an advisory capacity as a non-voting member. Ideally, this person will be someone with non-profit Executive Director or other management experience. 

As the search process progresses, there will be updates on “Latest News” and in Music Therapy Matters. Direct your questions to Search Committee Chair, Jennifer Geiger or Stakeholder Committee Chair, Amy Furman.


