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NIH Hosts Research Meeting in Partnership with AMTA

April 9, 2014 09:47 AM

NIH Hosts Research Meeting in Partnership with AMTA

AMTA is pleased to announce that a presentation/seminar will be held from 9:00 am until noon on the morning of April 23, 2014, on the topic of music therapy and oncology. This meeting was requested by Dr. Avi Rasooly, Program Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI), Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM). Dr. Rasooly requested a seminar and presentation on current research in music therapy and oncology for the benefit of the staff and interested program officers of the NIH.

Please see the agenda below for this interesting event. Drs. Sheri Robb and Debra Burns will feature and highlight current research in oncology and music therapy. The seminar will also include a discussion of future research opportunities as well as trends in developing the next generation of scholars in music therapy research.

Seminar Title: Music Therapy Research in Oncology: Therapeutic Outcomes, Mechanisms, and Directions for Future Research

The seminar will be held at the NIH/NCI Shady Grove Campus in Maryland and is accessible on the Metro Red Line. The address is 9609 Medical Center Drive, Bethesda, MD. This event is open to the general public. For planning purposes and security clearance, Please RSVP  to AMTA if you plan to attend via email to or Identification will be required to access the building.

Music Therapy Research in Oncology: Therapeutic Outcomes, Mechanisms, and Directions for Future Research a meeting with the American Music Therapy Association

NCI Shady Grove campus

9609 Medical Center Drive, Room 3W32/3W34

April 23, 2014, 9:00-12:00

Hosted by: NCI Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM)


Draft Agenda

9:00-9:10 Welcome: Jeffrey D. White, M.D, OCCAM Director

9:10-9:45 Symptom Management and Positive Health Outcomes in Children/Adolescents with Cancer and Parents: Findings and Implications from the SMART and Music Play Trials Sheri Robb, PhD, MT-BC, Indiana University School of Nursing

9:45:-10:20 Music Therapy and Adult Oncology Throughout the Disease Trajectory: Current Research and Future Directions. Debra Burns, PhD, MT-BC, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at IUPUI

10:20-10:35 The Portfolio of Research in Music Therapy, Barbara A. Else, MPA, LCAT, MT-BC, American Music Therapy Association

10:35-10:50 Break

10:50-11:05 Unlocking Opportunities to Study Music's Impact on Health & Human Development. Sunil Iyengar, National Endowment for the Arts

11:05-11:30 NIH perspective, panel presentation

11:30-12:00 Discussion. Moderators: Andrea H. Farbman, EdD, American Music Therapy Association and Avi Rasooly, Ph.D, OCCAM

I. New Areas of Research – Needs

II. Expectations from the NIH Community – Juncture of opportunity and needs

III. Advancing Research – Next Steps



