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NIH Music & Health Funding Announcement

September 7, 2018 11:32 AM

The National Institutes of Health Announces 3 Requests for Applications for Music & Health

Last year, AMTA began an exciting partnership with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, which was facilitated by our artist spokesperson, Renée Fleming. In 2017 there were two culminating events: an NIH workshop that brought together neuroscientists, music therapists, and supporters of both biomedical research and the arts to discuss the current landscape of research on the interaction of music and the brain as well as how music is used as therapy and a two-day event at the Kennedy Center featuring a concert by the National Symphony Orchestra and a full day of workshops, one of which, “Breakthroughs in Music Therapy: Recovery, Resilience & Quality of Life," focused on music therapy

As an outgrowth of those initiatives, around November 1st of this year, NIH is releasing three related funding announcements soliciting applications on Music and Health.  These Requests for Applications (RFAs), which will include set-aside funding, represent a collaboration among a large number of NIH Institutes and Centers.  They are a direct follow-up to the recommendations of the January, 2017 workshop.

The first two RFAs share the same goal, but will use two different grant mechanisms (the R01 and R21 - exploratory/developmental research).  The third RFA is intended for projects to be implemented in two discrete phases.  These RFAs are all intended to include basic and applied research on music and health.  Please see the links below for more information.

N.B. NIH applications typically require demonstrated research experience and foundational work; therefore, we encourage music therapy scholars to take advantage of NIH resources and other training opportunities in research grant writing, proposal preparation, and human subjects. The NIH office of extramural research and the NIH electronic Research Administration (eRA) offer a wealth of information:  

Information on the various funding mechanisms at NIH may be found at:

Human subjects training:


