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President Obama Salutes Music Therapy

November 13, 2014 05:07 PM

Exciting news was shared by AMTA-member Julie Garrison, MA, MT-BC, who is the music therapist at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and the National Intrepid Center of Excellence in Bethesda, Maryland. President Obama recently spoke about the importance of music therapy in the recovery of a wounded warrior at "A Salute to the Troops: In Concert at the White House."  According to the President, “[In] the months and years that followed, he kept fighting back with the help of hundreds of hours of music therapy. And today, Luis can see again, he can eat again, he can speak again. He’s even playing, as I understand, a little bit of golf. (Laughter.) And every night, he still goes to sleep with music playing.”

We thank the President for his positive acknowledgement of the power of clinical music therapy.

The President’s complete remarks can be found here:

The Associated Press and other media outlets have picked up the story:


Editor’s note: President Obama was referring to clinical music therapy services provided at Walter Reed Medical Center by a board certified music therapist.

