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Robin Spielberg Advocates for Music Therapy

November 1, 2017 10:56 AM

Robin Spielberg and AMTA-Member Co-Present in Oxford, Ohio

SpeilbergRobinArtistinResidence2Robin Spielberg, American pianist, composer, and Artist Spokesperson for the AMTA, was in Oxford, OH, as an "artist in residence" for a week in late October, 2017.    Robin spoke to Miami University students, senior citizens, and children at a local school, expressing her joy in music and praising the power and importance of music and music therapy.  Local music therapist Debbie Benkovitz Williams had the good fortune to present with Robin to students at the university, and to be a guest at Robin's culminating performance at the Oxford Community Arts Center.   Robin is an engaging speaker who never fails to mesmerize her audience with poignant, personal stories that always lead us back to music and promote the power of music therapy.​

