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TEDx Features Deforia Lane – A Must See

April 5, 2016 12:22 PM

Deforia Lane, PhD, MT-BC delivers a spell-binding and emotional TEDx talk about the power of music therapy entitled Music Therapy & Medicine: A Dynamic Partnership

LaneDeforiaWonderful examples of clients' positive responses to music therapy are presented in this TEDx talk, including music's effects on an unborn child and how therapeutic singing helps a man after a stroke to speak again. Dr. Lane asks the audience a compelling question, “What will you do?”  Her answer is one every music therapist should hear: urging parents and caregivers of persons on the autism spectrum and persons with Alzheimer’s disease or traumatic brain injuries to seek out music therapy treatment.  Dr. Lane ends by addressing hospital administrators directly, stating, “you may just hire a music therapist for the benefit of your patients.”  This brings applause from the audience.

AMTA is honored to have Deforia Lane as an outstanding spokesperson for music therapy and music therapists, combining the art and science of our amazing profession.

The link to the presentation is:

Or you can watch here:

