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Upcoming AMTA Officer Elections

August 7, 2015 11:26 AM


Questions for Candidates

To give AMTA members the opportunity to interact with the candidates for the office of President Elect and Vice President Elect, the Nominating Committee will use the AMTA website to post candidates’ responses to questions submitted by members. The AMTA Nominating Committee has developed this pilot project, and from now until October 31 you can send your question(s) to Nominating Committee member Piper Laird, at:

Beginning in September and occurring about every two weeks, a question selected by the Nominating Committee, from the pool of questions, will be sent to both candidates for a given office. Each candidate for the office will create a 250 word maximum response that will be posted on the AMTA website. Individual questions for one of the candidates for an office will not be used. Please indicate whether your question is for the President Elect candidates, the Vice President Elect candidates, or the candidates for both offices. Questions of a similar nature may be combined into one question for candidates. The Nominating Committee may edit the questions for punctuation, spelling, clarity, etc. Questions and responses will remain on the website until after the election.

We also wanted to remind you, the tradition of having candidates submit written biographical statements for posting on the AMTA website prior to voting will continue. Each candidate will provide a written answer to the following questions: (1) Why do you want to be [President / Vice President] of AMTA? (2) What do you perceive as the crucial needs to be addressed by our profession: (a) within your term of office, and (b) in the next 10-15 years? Finally, there will be a Meet the Candidates concurrent session at the AMTA National Conference in Kansas City to provide an additional opportunity for members to ask questions of the candidates prior to the election.  

