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AMTA Board of Directors’ 2021 Mid-Year Meeting

June 3, 2021 03:44 PM

AMTA Board of Directors’ 2021 Mid-Year MeetingAMTA Board of Directors’ 2021 Mid-Year Meeting

The AMTA Board of Directors’ 2021 Mid-Year Meeting will be held on June 15, 2021 from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET in a virtual format.

AMTA Members interested in attending the June 15th Board meeting as a guest should RSVP here on or before Tuesday, June 8, 2021. You will be sent an invitation link to participate via Zoom at least 24-hours prior to the June 15 board date. Due to platform restrictions, a limited number of participants can be accommodated.  Reservations will be taken on a first come, first served basis.

Similar to the 2020 virtual board meetings guests will be admitted as “attendees,” with the ability to see and hear the meeting.  A separation of panelists (Board Members/national office staff/invited guests reporting to the Board) and attendees will help the meeting chair view the screen with greater clarity, call on meeting speakers as needed, and identify voting members when necessary.  Guests will be able to type questions and comments through the Q&A feature and those questions will be addressed as time permits. 

Given that the Board currently meets monthly and information typically reserved for the mid-year and annual Board meetings has been ongoing, the mid-year Board agenda has been streamlined for the virtual format. Select updates and action items from reports that can be accommodated within the allotted two-hour timeframe will be discussed and given the time required. Remaining reports will be acknowledged, with no report-outs. The Board will engage in direct communication with governance group leaders prior to or following the June 15 board meeting as warranted. Questions or concerns may be sent to

We appreciate your continued support and engagement in AMTA activities.


