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AMTA Conference Registration Deadline

AMTA's 2011 Conference Will Be Here Before You Know It! 

Theme: AMTA in the ATL: Advocacy, Therapy and Leadership

November 16-20, 2011
Sessions Nov. 17- 20, 2011
Meetings Nov. 15-20, 2011
Institutes Nov. 16, 2011
CMTEs Nov. 17 & Nov. 20, 2011

You can't miss the 2011 AMTA conference in Atlanta, especially as awareness of the benefits of music therapy have never been more in front of the public! A movie, best selling novels, television news, Internet references and footage of music therapists in action have made 2011 a special time for music therapists. Be sure you know how to capture this momentum as you work with your colleagues, clients and their families. The conference in Atlanta will be focused on advocacy and leadership as we explore and expand our therapy skills. Pre Conference Institutes on TBI, Technology, and Early Childhood, and NICU training will be featured, plus many, many more educational sessions and networking opportunities.


Register Online & Pay in the AMTA Online Store


Hotel Reservations

The recently remodeled Hilton Atlanta is hosting the 2011 AMTA Conference. Be sure to stay at the Hilton Atlanta to insure that AMTA makes its room block, and that you are in the middle of all the excitement.

Our special hotel rates: Single $140; Double $160; Triple $180 and Quad $200. Rates are based on occupancy and extra taxes apply.

Hilton Atlanta
255 Courtland Street, NE
Atlanta Georgia

You can make your reservation today by clicking on: 

See you in Atlanta!


For information on exhibiting at the conference: click here.

For information on sponsoring the conference: click here.


AMTA 2011 Conference Refund Policy
Activities are planned in advance based on the number of registrants. Full refunds cannot be made. Refunds for cancellations of any conference activities (including Trainings, Institutes and CMTE courses) are available by written request only and must be mailed to the AMTA national office. 75% of fees will be refunded if the request is postmarked no later than 10/21/11, 50% if the request is postmarked 10/21/11-11/4/11. NO REFUNDS will be made after 11/4/11, so please plan ahead. Refunds are processed 45 days after the conclusion of the conference.



