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FAQs About the 2021 AMTA Conference

2021 Conference

Virtual Conference FAQs

Why is the conference fully virtual?

MARCH 23, 2021 - After careful discussion and deliberation and due to continued concerns for the health and safety of all members, industry partners, volunteer leaders, staff, and other stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMTA Board of Directors has decided the AMTA Annual Conference will be fully virtual in 2021. Our event dates will remain October 14-17, 2021 in a fully virtual format.

Throughout the pandemic, AMTA has relied on public health guidance, federal and state-by-state event restrictions along with member input to gauge the decision to move the conference virtual. Given the current pace of the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, attendee comfort in participating based on whether they are vaccinated, the association’s ability to provide optimal safety measures, along with attendee financial and travel restrictions and limitations impacting domestic and international participants, AMTA concluded it is not possible to guarantee the success of an in-person, multi-day annual conference and exhibition in October for the AMTA community.

We recognize this is disappointing news for our members, our host city Jacksonville, and many others. We are shifting our efforts to deliver top-notch educational content and experiences for as many stakeholders as possible. We appreciate your understanding and being a part of the AMTA community. We look forward to your participation at our 2021 AMTA Annual Conference and in the future when it is fully safe for us all to reconvene in person.

Conference is going virtual? What does this mean?

Participants will be able to log in during scheduled conference times to watch live and pre-recorded sessions.

When will you have specific information about the 2021 virtual conference?

We will be rolling out conference information as it is available.

Will the virtual conference be the same dates in October?

Yes, the conference dates will remain the same, October 14-17, 2021. 

How much will the conference cost?

Rates will be published in May 2021. Visit the AMTA website for updates as available.

Will virtual sessions be live or recorded?

Both! Some sessions will be presented live and some will be pre-recorded which will give presenters the opportunity to engage in a live online chat about the material during the presentation.

I have never presented in a virtual/online format. Will presenters have support?

It is all right if you have never presented in this format, we will support you! If your conference session proposal is selected, we will provide technical and presentation support to help you be successful.

My favorite part of conference is networking. Are there opportunities to connect with other professionals in a virtual conference?

Absolutely! Find other students and professionals with your interests in the online networking chatrooms during conference. You can connect, ask questions, and share contact information with other attendees. Networking opportunities will be outlined and promoted leading up to the conference so attendees are aware of all options.

What about the research poster session?

This will happen! You will still be able to see current research and interact with researchers online.  Dates will be posted soon.

Will there be Exhibitors/Sponsorship?

Yes, more information on how you can be an exhibitor/sponsor will be provided. Contact Jane Creagan ( or Cindy Smith ( at the AMTA office with specific questions.

How will I participate in the online conference?

Links and information will be sent to you in the fall with instructions for accessing the online platform!

Will the platform be accessible?

Yes, we are working to make the meeting as accessible as possible to our entire community. We acknowledge important feedback received from our 2020 Conference and are taking a critical look at our strategies to be as inclusive as possible.

Will we still have meetings during the virtual conference or around the conference dates?

Yes, look for more information regarding AMTA business meetings, assembly meetings and committee meetings this summer. Our goal is to hold as much non-education programming and meetings ahead of the conference dates to avoid overlap and give attendees the opportunity to fully enjoy the live event.

Will sessions be available post the live conference dates?

Yes, AMTA is determining how long and in what format post-conference sessions will be available. More information will be communicated as our conference plan evolves.

Have additional questions?

Our plans are still evolving, but feel free to reach out to our national office team at should you have additional questions about the 2021 AMTA Annual Conference.

