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Contribute to the AMTA Video Montage

October 10, 2011 12:25 PM

Dear professional music therapists, students and interns:

What is music therapy?

Admit it. You’ve been asked this question dozens, if not hundreds, of times. Do you enjoy answering the question? Do you love talking about music therapy, what it means, and how you can (and do!) so powerfully change people’s lives? Are you an advocate for your profession, passionate about sharing it with other people?

Then this opportunity is for you!

AMTA is excited to announce the launch of a new and innovative project and we are asking for your help. You have the opportunity to submit a short video in which you expand on the statement "Music therapy is…" Submit your video and it may be included in a video montage that will be posted on the AMTA YouTube channel and website homepage.

Interested? We are accepting submissions until October 31st. Please see the attached flyer for more details about how you can get involved in this exciting project.

For more information, see the contribution guidelines and release form.

If you have any questions, please email, with the subject reading "AMTA Video Montage."

